I, Joseph P. Carson, PE, consistent with my understanding of my moral, professional, ethical, and/or legal duties as an American, Tennessean, licensed professional engineer (PE), near 30 year federal employee, long-time member of engineering professional societies NSPE, ASME, ANS, American Engineering Alliance (AEA), Engineers without Borders (USA), and AAAS, and professing Christian publicly state - truthfully and objectively, based on fact and law - that
President Obama is failing or refusing to comply with his most fundamental statutory duty to the over 2 million members of the federal civil service. That is to "take any action....necessary" to ensure the federal civil service "embodies" the merit system principles.
The results include:
1) Federal agency employees, particularly those in FBI and intelligence agencies as CIA and NSA, cannot, as a rule and contrary to law, effectively bring forward concerns, particularly those containing information that cannot be publicly disclosed
2) Federal agency employees are not, as a rule and contrary to law, adequately protected from reprisal and other types of "prohibited personnel practices (PPPs)" - which are, in essence, federal agency violations of the "merit system principles."
3) Contrary to law, neither President Obama, nor any agency head, has the objective basis to dispute these three claims.
As a PE, long-time federal employee, holder of a highly sensitive security clearance, and member of several engineering professional societies, I publicly claim that America is at an unnecessarily increased risk of a terrorist attack or other catastrophe due to dysfunctional or corrupt federal workplaces or agencies that now result, in essential part, from President Obama’s failure or refusal to comply with his fundamental statutory duty to the federal civil service.
So what? Well, if no one does anything, nothing will change. So I ask readers to do one (or more) of following so my concerns will be lawfully resolved at the direction of President Obama - or I will *finally* get a chance to make my case via some adversarial process:
1) Contact President Obama and simply say "President Obama, please direct the Office of Legal Counsel of the Department of Justice to resolve Joe Carson’s contentions."
mail - The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20500;
voicemail - 202-456-1111;
fax - 202-456-2461;
email - http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/submit-questions-and-comments
2) Contact Glenn Podonsky, the head of DOE’s personnel security oversight group and request him to determine if I am suitable to hold a highly sensitive security clearance, given my publicly claiming President Obama is failing or refusing to comply with his fundamental statutory duty to the federal civil service, thereby putting America at an unnecessarily increased risk of a terrorist attack or other catastrophe due to dysfunctional or corrupt federal workplaces or agencies.
3) Contact Mark Whitney, the Assistant Manager of DOE’s Environmental Management Programs in Oak Ridge, and ask him to determine whether I should disciplined, including separation from the federal service, for making unfounded, baseless or highly irresponsible public claims that President Obama is failing or refusing to comply with his fundamental statutory duty to the federal civil service, thereby putting America at an unnecessarily increased risk of a terrorist attack or other catastrophe due to dysfunctional or corrupt federal workplaces or agencies.
4) File a professional misconduct complaint against me with the Tennessee State Board of Architectural and Engineering Examiners (A/E Board), my PE licensing authority, for possibly violating its rules of professional conduct in being untruthful or non-objective in publicly claiming that President Obama is failing or refusing to comply with his fundamental statutory duty to the federal civil service, thereby putting America at an unnecessarily increased risk of a terrorist attack or other catastrophe due to dysfunctional or corrupt federal workplaces or agencies.
A/E Board website http://www.tn.gov/regboards/ae/
Executive Director John Cothron [email protected]
The A/E Board’s legally binding rule of professional conduct are at http://www.tn.gov/sos/rules/0120/0120-02.20130311.pdf
5) File a professional misconduct complaint against me with the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) or its Tennessee State Society, the Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE) for possibly violating its code of ethics in being untruthful or non-objective in publicly claiming that President Obama is failing or refusing to comply with his fundamental statutory duty to the federal civil service, thereby putting America at an unnecessarily increased risk of a terrorist attack or other catastrophe due to dysfunctional or corrupt federal workplaces or agencies.
NSPE website www.nspe.org TSPE website www.tnspe.org
NSPE/TSPE Code of Ethics http://www.nspe.org/Ethics/CodeofEthics/index.html
NSPE Executive Director Mark Golden [email protected]
TSPE Executive Director Candy Toler [email protected]
TSPE Operating Procedures, at Section 3, describe how to file an ethics complaint against a TSPE member, see http://www.tnspe.org/Documents/TSPE%20Operating%20Procedures%20-%20approved%20Dec%206,%202007.pdf
6) File a professional misconduct complaint against me with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for possibly violating its code of ethics in being untruthful or non-objective in publicly claiming that President Obama is failing or refusing to comply with his fundamental statutory duty to the federal civil service, thereby putting America at an unnecessarily increased risk of a terrorist attack or other catastrophe due to dysfunctional or corrupt federal workplaces or agencies.
ASME website www.asme.org
ASME’s Code of Ethics is contained in ASME Policy 15.7, "Ethics" https://www.asme.org/getmedia/7cbbdb0b-93f9-476c-9632-c8a9370f6632/SocietyPolicies_15-7_Ethics.aspx
ASME interpretation criteria for its code of ethics can be found at https://www.asme.org/getmedia/6e30b7a8-1be2-452a-83ec-9330d06175c8/Criteria_Fundamental_Canons.aspx
ASME misconduct complaint procedure is found in ASME Policy 15.4 "Ethical Conduct Violations Procedure," https://www.asme.org/getmedia/7f2a4c04-1a03-459c-8cda-c5448c039a96/SocietyPolicies_15-4_EthicalConductViolationProcedures.aspx
ASME Executive Director Tom Loughlin [email protected]
7) If you belong to the American Nuclear Society (ANS), find at least 2 other members and jointly file a professional misconduct complaint me for possibly violating its code of ethics in being untruthful or non-objective in publicly claiming that President Obama is failing or refusing to comply with his fundamental statutory duty to the federal civil service, thereby putting America at an unnecessarily increased risk of a terrorist attack or other catastrophe due to dysfunctional or corrupt federal workplaces or agencies.
ANS Website: www.ans.org
ANS Code of Ethics http://www.ans.org/about/coe/
ANS disciplinary procedure is found at section 3.4, R3.4.7, on page 9 of its "rules" at http://www.ans.org/about/br/docs/rules.pdf
ANS Executive Director Robert Fine, contact via email at webformhttp://www.ans.org/contact/form.php?r=execdir